Moving “Laundry” Mountains

The mountains are calling and I must go. Yes. Really. The mountains of laundry piling up in your home are ready to be conquered! You can do it brave one.

As a general rule, we don’t have problems with laundry. I have found a system that just keeps it going. And going. And going. But every now and then, I don’t find time to complete the daily cycle.  Life just finds a way to creep in.  I DO NOT quit washing the laundry.  My thought is at least it is clean which is SO much better than dirty and smashed at the bottom of a smelly laundry bin.  But, clean laundry can (and sadly does) pile up from time to time.

So, what do I do?  I conquer Mount Laundry!

I start by moving all clean laundry to my bed because it is easiest for me to process it there.  I clear the laundry room of all previously folded laundry.  And I clear it of all clothing that has been hung up.  I even get all of our individual laundry bins and place them on my bed in the same order they are in the laundry room.  So, I am left with an empty laundry room.

Then, I get a cold beverage and fire up a good movie usually on Netflix, Apple TV, Prime, or I have been know to get one of those silver discs (remember those?) and watch a BluRay.  This day I watched 7th Heaven on Prime.  I sit and fold and watch.  I don’t love laundry mountain, but it is so tolerable if I can sit and watch.


Here is a picture of my Mount Laundry.  I took a before and after photo.  All the other photos were taken at 10 min. intervals.  In photo 1, you can see I am piling up all the clean clothes on my bed.  The clear plastic bins are the bins from the laundry room.  Everyone has there name on a bin.  Once I have folded that persons laundry, it goes in their individual bin.

In photo 2, you can see my view of this pile.  Yikes!  I actually had my dryer finish and added that load to this pile as well.  I had to spread it out so that I could see my TV.  It was tall.

In photos 3, 4, and 5, you can see my progress.  I am now 40 minutes into folding.  And look how much I still have to fold!

In photo 6, I have moved my sock pile to my front.  I usually pair socks last.  I was stacking these on the pillow to my side and they kept falling.  So, I moved them up front now that I have space.

In photo 7, I have begun to match socks.  I was getting frustrated as nothing was matching up.  It was like I was missing a whole bunch.  I was getting concerned because this means that like 40 single socks are running around here . . . alone. I went to put the socks in my sock sorting pile in the laundry room because 1 hour in and I was not going to go on a sock hunt.

In photo 8, you see that new laundry bin.  Guess what?  I missed some laundry.  I had put some clean laundry in this basket and forgot it.  The bad news is I am not done folding.  The good news is I am not missing 40 single socks anymore.  It makes sense now why I was having trouble making pairs.

Once it is all folded, I go and put the laundry on my kids’ beds.  This way that HAVE to put it away.  They don’t like when I do it.  But, I don’t like when they wait day over day to put up clean laundry.  So, I feel like we are even.

Look at glorious photo 12!  One hour and 50 minutes later, my laundry is all processed!  The Camden’s have overcome being robbed at gun point and helped his sister get into alcohol rehab. (This will only make sense if you are a 7th Heaven fan.)  My bed is back in order.  And guess what?  Because I emptied my laundry room, it is completely clean!  Nothing needs to folded, or hung, or put away . . . until tomorrow . . . because laundry will happen again.  Tomorrow will be motivating because my clean laundry room is a pleasure to look at and a huge motivation to keep up the process.


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